Server Protocol Ver 1.2

1. Background

This document specifies the CSA SHOGI protocol for computers to play Shogi.

2. Overview

This protocol assumes there is one server computer acting as the judge, and two or more clients acting as shogi players.

First, the server sends a game condition to two clients which are connected; the game will start when, both the clients have agreed to the condition. While playing a game, the player to move sends his move to the server and the server measures the time consumed and also determines whether the move is legal.

3. Protocol

Initially, the server starts the CSA SHOGI service by listening on TCP port 4081. When a client wishes to make use of the service, it establishes a TCP connection with the server. After the connection is established, the client and CSA SHOGI server exchange human-readable commands and responses (respectively) until the connection is closed or aborted. Commands and responses in the CSA SHOGI must consist of case-sensitive ASCII characters in 0x21..0x7f, LF (0x0a) and space (0x20). All messages are terminated by an LF. TAB must NOT be used.

3.1 Login and Logout

Once the TCP connection has been opened by a CSA SHOGI client, the client must then identify and authenticate itself to the CSA SHOGI server by LOGIN command. (NOTE: the CSA SHOGI server does NOT issue any greeting). After successful authentication, the session enters a GAME-WAITING state. The client can close the session by LOGOUT command. Also, the server may disconnect the session.

The LOGIN command identifies the client to the server and carries the plain-text password authenticating this user.

   LOGIN <username> <password>

   LOGIN:<username> OK
   -- login completed, now in GAME-WAITING state
   -- login failure: user name or password rejected

The <username> consists of digits ('0'-'9'), lowercase or uppercase letters ('A'-'Z', 'a'-'z'), underscore ('_'), hyphen ('-'), and may be up to 32 characters long. The <password> may be up to 32 characters long. The <password> must not contain any space characters.

Here is the summary for the LOGOUT command that is only allowed in a GAME-WAITING state.



3. 2 Game Condition

The server may send the GAME CONDITION to a client in a GAME-WAITING state, in the following format.

   BEGIN Game_Summary
   Format:Shogi 1.0
   Declaration:Jishogi 1.1
   BEGIN Time
   END Time
   BEGIN Position
   P2 * -HI * * * * * -KA *
   P4 * * * * * * * * *
   P5 * * * * * * * * *
   P6 * * * * * * * * *
   P8 * +KA * * * * * +HI *
   END Position
   END Game_Summary

A GAME CONDITION is hierarchically structured by BEGIN and END pairs. The first line of a GAME CONDITION is 'BEGIN Game_Summary' and the last is 'END Game_Summary.' A game condition consists of three blocks; general information (described in 3.2.1), definition of position (described in 3.2.2), and definition of time control (described in 3.2.3).

3.2.1 General Information

Each line in general information defines the value of a key in the format 'key:value.'

The following fields are mandatory;

   -- (fixed in this protocol)
   Format:Shogi 1.0
   -- (fixed in this protocol)

   -- name of the first player
   -- name of the second player

   -- whether the client receiving the message plays first or second.  
   -- player to move in the initial position
      (usually '+' except when resuming an adjourned game)

Optional fields:

   -- (fixed in this protocol)

   Declaration:Jishogi 1.1
   -- (fixed at least in the CSA Championship 2006)

   -- string is a game id.

   -- (fixed at least in the CSA Championship 2006)

3.2.2 Definition of Time Control

The definition of time control is enclosed by 'BEGIN Time' and 'END Time.' When the definition of time control is omitted, clients are allowed to use infinite time.

One or more of the following fields are mandatory for time-limited games:

   -- the initial time that each player can use in the whole game.
   -- the maximum time that each player can use for each move after total time has been run out.
   -- the duration before timing consumed time.
      (if a move is played in this duration, consumed time of the move will be zero)
   -- added time to the total time for each turn of the player.
      (Fischer's clock. if a move is played earlier than this time, the player's total time will be greater than before the turn) 

Optional fields:

   -- default value:1sec
   -- semantics:specifies unit of digits used in other fields.  

   -- default value:0
   -- semantics: if non-zero, the value is recorded as the consumed time of a player when the player played a move in a shorter time than the value.  

   -- default value:NO
   -- semantics: whether time less than one time unit will be rounded up.  

3.2.3 Definition of Position

The definition of the initial position is enclosed by 'BEGIN Position' and 'END Position', and is written in the CSA file format. This definition may contain moves in addition to position, and in such cases, the game starts with a position after all the moves applied.

Property 'N+' and 'N-' must not be used, with 'Name+' and 'Name+' fields in general information being used instead. Moreover, 'AL' must not be used for the representation of captured pieces.


When a client receives a GAME CONDITION, the client must send AGREE or REJECT to the server.

   AGREE <gameid>
   -- gameid may be omitted
   REJECT <gameid>
   -- gameid may be omitted

When the server receives AGREE from both the clients, the server sends a start message in the following format.


Then both the clients enter a GAME state.

Otherwise, if any client has rejected the game, the server sends a REJECT message in the following format to both the clients.

   REJECT:<gameid> by <rejector>

Then both the clients enter a GAME-WAITING state.

3.4 Move Commands

Clients must use any of the following commands in a GAME state, which is a subset of the ones defined in the CSA file format.

- <normal move> (e.g.  , +7776FU)

For each move sent by a client to move, the server sends a MOVE-CONFIRMATION to both clients. MOVE-CONFIRMATION is a line consisting of the move and the consumed time joined by a comma (',').

In the case of illegal moves, the move included in MOVE-CONFIRMATION must be truncated up to 7 characters long.


- +7776FU,T12

If the server detects a game-end, the server must send a GAME-RESULT to both clients. If the game was ended by a client command, a GAME-RESULT must be sent immediately after MOVE-CONFIRMATION. In the case of time-up, the server immediately sends a GAME-RESULT without waiting for a message from the client to move.

GAME-RESULT consists of two lines beginning with the sharp ('#') character. The first line shows the reason and the second line shows win or lose from the viewpoint of a client receiving the message. Clients enter a GAME-WAITING state after they have received a GAME-RESULT.

The first line must be one of the following six messages:

   -- (draw by repetition)

   -- (illegal move by repetition)

   -- (other illegal moves including illegal use of %KACHI)


   -- (one player resigned by '%TORYO')

   -- (one player declared a win by '%KACHI' and the declaration is legal)

The second line must be one of the following three messages:

   -- only after '#SENNICHITE'

For example, if a player has resigned after thinking four time units, the player receives the following messages.


The other player also receives the following messages.


3.5 Summary

Here is an example of messages in a game.

     client1           server                                     client2

   1                <- [GAME CONDITION] ->
   2 AGREE gamename ->                                         <- AGREE gamename
   3                <-  START:gamename  ->
   4                                                           <- [the first move]
   5                <- [MOVE-CONFIRMATION for the first move]  ->
   6 [the second move] ->
   7                <- [MOVE-CONFIRMATION for the second move] ->
   8                                                           <- [the third move]
   9                <- [MOVE-CONFIRMATION for the third move]  ->
           [%TORYO] ->
                    <- [GAME-RESULT] ->

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