4th Game Programming Workshop
- 9-11 October, 1997
- Hakone Seminar House
845 Sengoku-bara, Hakone, Ashigara-shimo-gun, Kanagawa, JAPAN
- Computer Shogi Association
- Computer Go
- S means short (15 min.) and L means long (30min.).
Thursday, October 9
13:15-13:30 opening
13:30-14:15 chair: Noriaki Sanechika (Electrotechnical Laboratory)
- 1. Tsume-Go processor "Gokyo" (S)
- Shigeru Kondo (Gunma University), Kazunori Ikari and Kensuke Shimizu
- 2. Acquisition of patterns, sequences of moves, and Tsume-Go knowledge
from game records (L)
- Takuya Kojima (Tokyo University), Kazuhiro Ueda and Saburo Nagano
14:30-15:15 chair: Kensuke Shimizu (Gunma University)
- 3. Pruning candidate moves in the game of Go by (KPV) reasoning about
evaluation components (L)
- Morihiko Tajima (Electrotechnical Laboratory), Noriaki Sanechika
- 4. Control of the range of Go-patten's scope (S)
- Noriaki Sanechika (Electrotechnical Laboratory), Morihiko Tajima
15:45-16:45 chair: Hiroyuki Iida (Shizuoka University)
- 5. Characteristic of extended moves by singular extension to Shogi
- Yoshihisa Nakayama (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology),
Yoshiyuki Kotani
- 6. Half extension algorithms (L)
- Hiroshi Yamashita (Shogi programmer)
Friday, October 10
9:00-10:15 chair: Kohei Noshita (University of Electro-Communications)
- 7. Incremental updating of objects in INDIGO (S)
- Bruno Bouzy (Universite Rene Descartes, France)
- 8. 2 x n Go (S)
- Richard Lorentz (California State University, U.S.A.)
- 9. Development and evaluation of strategic plans (S)
- Tristan Cazenave (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie), Regis Moneret
- 10. Playing it safe: recognizing secure territories in computer Go
by using static rules and search (L)
- Martin Mueller (ETH, Switzerland)
10:30-12:00 chair: Kenji Koyama (NTT Communication and Science Laboratory)
- 11. The difference of the knowledge for solving Tsume-Go problem according
to the skill (S)
- Atsushi Yoshikawa (NTT Basic Research Laboratories), Yasuki Saito
- 12. Acuisition of move sequence patterns from game record database
- using n-gram statistics (L)
- Teigo Nakamura (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- 13. A method of applying opening book data by partial matching (S)
- Hirofumi Nakaie (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology), Yoshiyuki
- 14. Learning weights in similarity function for Shogi positions (L)
- Ken Satoh (Hokkaido University), Hitoshi Matsubara, Takuji Shinohara,
Kentaro Kayama
13:15-14:30 chair: Morihiko Tajima (Electrotechnical Laboratory)
- 15. Invited talk
- How machines have learned to play Othello
- Michael Buro (NEC Research Institute, U.S.A.)
14:45-15:45 chair: Takumi Ito (NTT PC Communications)
- 16. Systematic evaluation of mating problems of "Naked" king
- Kenji Koyama (NTT communication and Science Laboratory)
- 17. Enumeration of 3 x 3 Kin-Gin Tsume-Shogi problems (L)
- Kohei Noshita (University of Electro-Communications), Takahito Iida
16:15-17:00 chair: Yoshiyuki Kotani (Tokyo University of Agriculture
and Technology)
- 18. Invited talk
- The history of challenges for solving "Micro-cosmos"
- Masahiro Seo (Matsushita Electric Industral Corp.)
Saturday, October 11
9:00-10:30 chair: Nobuhiro Yoshimura (Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo)
- 19. Game playing learning by parameter adjustment in Escoba (S)
- Ariel Arbiser (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- 20. A cooperative strategy for pair playing in Othello (L)
- Gao Xinbo (Shizuoka University), Hiroyuki Iida, Jos Uiterwijk, Jaap
van den Herik
- 21. An evaluation function for Shogi (S)
- Reijer Grimbergen (Electrotechnical Laboratory)
- 22. Payoff-reduction minimaxing (L)
- Ian Frank (Electrotechnical Laboratory), David Basin, Hitoshi Matsubara
11:00-12:00 chair: Takenobu Takizawa (Waseda University)
- 23. Architecture of computer bridge (S)
- Takao Uehara (Tokyo Engineering University), Takahisa Ando, Yoshiyuki
Sekiya, Noriyuki Kobayashi
- 24. Partnership bidding for computer bridge (S)
- Takahisa Ando(Tokyo Engineering University), Yoshiyuki Sekiya, Takao
- 25. Shobu-te search 2 (L)
- Kohji Horita (Shimane University), Yasuyuki Kobayashi
12:00-12:15 closing
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