14:45 - 15:45 (chair: Yoshiyuki Kotani (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.))
A note on algorithmic generation of Tsume-shogi problems (L)
Kohei Noshita (University of Electro-Communications)
Automatic composition of Tsume-shogi by retrograde analysis (L)
Masayuki Hirose (Tokyo Institute of technology), Takumi Itoh and Hotoshi Matsubara
16:15 - 17:00 (chair: Yoshiyuki Kotani (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.))
Tutorial lecture
Psychological and cognitive researches on games
Yasuki Saito (NTT Basic Research Lab.)
Saturday, September 21
09:00 - 10:15 (chair: Noriaki Sanechika (ETL))
The use of Inferential information in remembering Go positions (S)
Jay Burmeister, Janet Wiles (Univ. of Queensland, Australia)
An analysis of strong Go-players' protocols (L)
Yasuki Saito(NTT Basic Research Lab.), Atsushi Yoshikawa
Can not solve Tsume-go problems without looking ahead? (L)
Atsushi Yoshikawa (NTT Basic research lab.), Yasuki Saito
10:45 - 11:45 (chair: Takumi Ito (NTT Software lab.))
Shobu-te search (S)
Kohji Horita (Shimane Univ.), Yasuyuki Kobayashi
Effects of dynamic rearrangement of processor tree in distributed game-tree
search (S)
Masayuki Fujii (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.), Yoshiyuki Kotani
Learning for forward pruning in Shogi (L)
Kentaro Kayama (Tokyo Univ.), Hirochika Inoue
13:00 -14:00 (chair: Hiroyuki Iida (Shizuoka Univ.))
Invired talk
Some lessons from the Deep Blue Chess Automaton
Feng-Hsing Hsu (IBM Watson Lab., U.S.A.)
14:30 - 15:30 (chair: Yasuki Saito (NTT Basic Research Lab.))
The experiment of Go program "KATSUNARI" using memory-based reasoning (S)
Shinichi Sei (Fujitsu Social Science Lab.), Toshiaki Kawashima
Effectiveness of evaluation components for candidates in opening game of
Go (S)
Morihiko Tajima (ETL), Noriaki Sanechika
A case study on acquisition of pattern knowledge in Go using ecological
analogy (L)
Takuya Kojima (Tokyo Univ.), Kazuhiro Ueda, Saburo Nagano
16:00 -17:00 (chair: Kohei Noshita (University of Electro-Communications))
Checkmate search with checkmate estimation function (S)
Seiichi Tanaka (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.), Yoshiyuki Kotani
Using pattern recognition and selective deeping to solve Tume Shogi (S)
Reijer Grimbergen (Electrotechnical Laboratory)
Blinkmate search (L)
Hiroyuki Iida (Shizuoka Univ.), Fuminari Abe
Sunday, September 22
09:00 - 10:15 (chair: Noriaki Sanechika (ETL))
Judging life and death at termination in 9 x 9 Go (S)
Koichiro Ishihara (Takushoku Univ.), Yasunori Minomo
Length of the solution-sequence in Tsume-go (S)
Shigeru Kondo (Gunma Univ.), Kensuke Shimizu
A method for detecting "eyes" for computer Go (S)
Tsutomu Kaneko (Tokyo Denki Univ.), Kazuhisa Shibata, Katsuhiko Nakamura
Analysis of one-dimentional Go (L)
Noriaki Sanechika (ETL), Morihiko Tajima
11:00 - 12:00 (chair: Takenobu Takizawa (Waseda Univ.))
An optimal MOO strategy (S)
Tetsuro Tanaka (Tokyo Univ.)
Adapting singular extension to Shogi (S)
Yoshihisa Nakayama (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.), Yoshiyuki Kotani
A method of applying opening book data to non-recorded positions (L)
Hirofumi Nakaie (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.), Hiroyuki Iida, Yoshiyuki Kotani
12:00-12:15 closing